Monday, 8 March 2021

Social 20-2 Update March 8th to 11th

 Hello Everyone,

This week students will be reviewing how to complete the Social Studies Written Response #1. 

This assignment/assessment must be written in class and is not a take-home assignment/assessment. The regularly scheduled time for this Assignment/assessment is 20 to 35 minutes. Students will be given approximately 5.5 hours of class time. We will be breaking the assignment into smaller parts for the review/learning process.  The assignment/assessment will be handed in on Thursday, March 10th by the end of class. Students who do not hand in their assignments by this time will receive a grade of ZERO. Students will have schedule time to come in and complete the assignment on their own time outside of class time, in the mornings before school starts or some lunch hours will be available. 

Tuesday - Review, overall assignment, and exemplars of completed assignments. The focus will then be put on the planning & development of the "Introduction, Thesis statement" 

Wednesday- Focus will be put on the development and planning of the student's explanation and supporting paragraphs.

Thursday - Focus will be on putting all the pieces together and submitting the completed assignment/assessment. 

Friday - Continue with the Movie "Miracle" 

Parents and guardians, please remember to check your children's power school and google classroom for any missing assignments and attendance. It is very important to keep up with handing assignments in on time. All materials and resources can be found on our class site at

Thank you,

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