Monday, 1 March 2021

Class update for March 1st to March 5th

 Hello Everyone,

Here is the update and breakdown for what is happening in social 20-2 this week:
Mon - Introduction "Reconciling Nationalist & Non-Nationalist Loyalties" and Vocabulary
Tues- Presentation #1 & class discussion
Wed- Presentation #2 & class discussion
Thurs - Assignment - "Reconciling Nationalist & Non-Nationalist Loyalties"
Friday - Introduction to Movie "Miracle" on Reconciling Nationalist & Non-Nationalist Loyalties

Power school has been updated. Please check there to view any missing assignments and attendance concerns. Students are still able to hand in old assignments that are late for grading, but they are encouraged to do so quickly. The longer students wait to hand in any late assignments they run the risk of the teacher running out of time to grade them, provide feedback, and lose the option/time to re-do unsatisfactory work. 

Thank you,

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