Monday, 31 May 2021

Daily Lesson Plans - May 31st to June 4th

Hello Everyone,

This week students will be learning how to write the written assignment #3. This assignment MUST be completed in class.  This will be a position paper where students will have to identify various points of view on the topic of internationalism. They will then be required to take their own position on the issue presented and support it. It will be very very important to complete this assignment on time and hand it in to allow time for grading. Because we are at the end of the semester, there is very limited time for students to hand in late assignments and grading late assignments.  

Mon - Introduction to Written Assignment #3 & How to write Introduction Paragraph:

           - How to document

           - Review of Exemplars

           - Review of Marking Rubric 

           - Write Introduction Paragraph (Paragraph #1)

Tues - Introduction - Various Points of View & How to Write Body Paragraphs

        - Review of how to read the source and identify various points of view within

        - Write First Body Paragraph (Paragraph #2)

Wed - Continue with Body Paragraphs

        - Complete Body Paragraphs (Paragraphs #3 & #4)

Thurs - How to write Conclusion Paragraph

           - Write Conclusion (Paragraph #5)

Fri - Complete Written Assignment #3 / Finish any overdue assignments (Starting with the most recent)

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Daily Lesson Plans May 25th to May 28th

 Hello Everyone,

This week we will be looking at How effectively does internationalism address contemporary global issues? Some guiding questions for you this week will be:

•What are some contemporary global issues? 

• How have people used internationalism to address contemporary global issues? 

• How effective is internationalism in addressing contemporary global issues?

Tues - Introduction to material and guiding questions.Pre-teach vocabulary and complete vocabulary assignments. Presentation #1 and class discussion regarding what are some Contemporary Global Issues and examples. 

Wed - Presentation #2 and Class discussion regarding failures/challenges of internationalism when dealing with contemporary global issues.  Climate Change, Human Rights, International Trade, Crisis in Darfur. The class will do a cartoon analysis together.

Thur - Cartoon analysis assignment on World Hunger. 

Fri - Review (Student lead notes) Work/Catch Up Day. 

Next week will be very important to be in class as students will be working on their Written Assignment #3. This again will need to be completed in class and handed in by the end of the week. This is extremely important as we are nearing the end of the semester. 

Students who need to write their Unit #2 Final Exam will also be doing this next week on Wednesday, June 1st. They will need to set up a time to write it at lunch, or after school. 

Monday, 17 May 2021

Daily Lesson Plans - May 17th - May 20th

 Hello Everyone,

Here are the daily lesson plans for this week. Students will continue to assess the impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in contemporary global affairs be focusing on "Internationalism & Nationalism" The guiding question for this week will be:

"Does promoting internationalism affect nationalism?"

Mon - Introduction & class discussion to guiding question. Students will also pre-view vocabulary terms and complete the vocabulary assignment. 

Tues- Presentation #1 & Class discussion. Students will look at and discuss:

    - How changing world conditions have promoted internationalism - Focus on United Nations

    - Cartoon analysis

Wed- Presentation #2 & Class discussion. Students will look at and discuss:

    - How have various international organizations affected nationalism

    -World Trade Organization & Economics (Trickle Down Effect)

Thurs - Review / Student Notes & Quiz

Fri - Holiday / Enjoy the Long Weekend

Monday, 10 May 2021

Learning Plan for May 10th to May 14th


Hello Everyone,

Here is the plan for this week's in Social 20-2, see you all online!

May 10th to May 14th

Mon- Introduction & disscussion " Foregien Policy & Internationalism"
       - Vocabulary

Tues - Prestation & Disscussion
         - How do countries set foreign policy?
          - How can nation-states promote internationalism through foreign policy?

Wed - Presentation & Discussion
        - How does Canadian foreign policy promote both national interest and        
         - Readings - Page 234 - The Power of One
                             Pages 238 -239 - Canada & Peace Keeping: Myth and Reality

Thur- Assignment "Internationalism & Foreign Policy"

Friday - Work Day / Student Notes

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Monday - Week of May 3rd - May 7th

Hello Everyone,

We will be continuing on with investigating "Should Internationalism be Pursued?". Here is how the week will break down. I will also be away on Wednesday and Thursday. A sub will be on to take attendance and work with you on 

Monday - Presentation #2 on "Does involvement in international affairs benefit nations and nation-states?"

Tuesday - Review Day 

Wednesday - Quiz Chapter #9 

Thursday - Re-write Day for Written Assignment #2 - Must be done on this day

Friday - Workday (time to complete any missing assignments)


Wednesday, 24 March 2021

March 22nd to April 1

 Hello Everyone,

These last two weeks before the spring break we will be looking at, " How Nationalism can lead to Ultranationalism" 

Mar 22 - 26

Mon - Introduction to Vocabulary Assignment and Topic. / Also working on completing National Interest Assignment CH5

Tues.- Presentation #1 - Introduction and class disscussion / Complete National Interest Assignment

Wed - Presentation #2  & Class disscussion / work on any overdue assignments

Thurs- Student lead notes/review

Friday- CH 6 Quiz

Mar 29th - Apr 1

Mon - Introduction to Vocabulary assignment and topic / " How Can Ultranationalism Lead to Crimes Against Humanity?"

Tues - Presentation #1 / Class Disscussion

Wed - Presentation #2 / Class Disscussion

Thurs - Introduce/work on Crimes Against Humanity Assignment "Hiroshima/Nagasaki" Ch#7 

Students will be able to complete any unfinished work over the Spring Break. Parents/Guardians please check in with your kids to see if they have any incomplete work. They can show you the actual work and that they have turned in their work on our class site. 

Reminder to everyone also, that if a student is finding they require any accommodation or a new accommodation to help them succeed in class please notify me (the teacher). I am more than happy to assist with facilitating this. 

Monday, 8 March 2021

Social 20-2 Update March 8th to 11th

 Hello Everyone,

This week students will be reviewing how to complete the Social Studies Written Response #1. 

This assignment/assessment must be written in class and is not a take-home assignment/assessment. The regularly scheduled time for this Assignment/assessment is 20 to 35 minutes. Students will be given approximately 5.5 hours of class time. We will be breaking the assignment into smaller parts for the review/learning process.  The assignment/assessment will be handed in on Thursday, March 10th by the end of class. Students who do not hand in their assignments by this time will receive a grade of ZERO. Students will have schedule time to come in and complete the assignment on their own time outside of class time, in the mornings before school starts or some lunch hours will be available. 

Tuesday - Review, overall assignment, and exemplars of completed assignments. The focus will then be put on the planning & development of the "Introduction, Thesis statement" 

Wednesday- Focus will be put on the development and planning of the student's explanation and supporting paragraphs.

Thursday - Focus will be on putting all the pieces together and submitting the completed assignment/assessment. 

Friday - Continue with the Movie "Miracle" 

Parents and guardians, please remember to check your children's power school and google classroom for any missing assignments and attendance. It is very important to keep up with handing assignments in on time. All materials and resources can be found on our class site at

Thank you,

Monday, 1 March 2021

Class update for March 1st to March 5th

 Hello Everyone,

Here is the update and breakdown for what is happening in social 20-2 this week:
Mon - Introduction "Reconciling Nationalist & Non-Nationalist Loyalties" and Vocabulary
Tues- Presentation #1 & class discussion
Wed- Presentation #2 & class discussion
Thurs - Assignment - "Reconciling Nationalist & Non-Nationalist Loyalties"
Friday - Introduction to Movie "Miracle" on Reconciling Nationalist & Non-Nationalist Loyalties

Power school has been updated. Please check there to view any missing assignments and attendance concerns. Students are still able to hand in old assignments that are late for grading, but they are encouraged to do so quickly. The longer students wait to hand in any late assignments they run the risk of the teacher running out of time to grade them, provide feedback, and lose the option/time to re-do unsatisfactory work. 

Thank you,

Monday, 22 February 2021

Week of Feb 22nd to 26th - 2021

 Hello Everyone,

Here is a short update on what we will be doing in class this week. 

Mon- Introduce vocabulary on Reconciling Nationalist Loyalties
Tue- Presentation/discussion #1 Reconciling National Loyalties Introduction
Wed- Presentation/discussion #2 How nationalist loyalties create conflict
Thurs - Review/Individual Student note-making
Friday - Quiz Chapter 
How do nationalist loyalties shape people’s choices?
• What choices have people made to affirm nationalist loyalties?
• How can nationalist loyalties create conflict?
• How have people reconciled contending nationalist loyalties?

Please remember that students, parents, and guardians can check power school for information on attendance, grades/missing assignments. We are getting to a point where it is very important to stay caught up with regard to instruction and assignments being handed in on time.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Weekly Plan Jan 4th - Jan 8th, 2021

  Weekly Learning Plan - At A Glance

Teacher Name:  K. Smith

Period #1 Social 10-2  

Week of: Jan 4th - Jan 8th, 2021


Weekly Message: 

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021

Welcome back everyone,

We will be meeting on our video classroom link found here on the links above again to touch base with what will be happening for the remainder of this week & semester.

This week will be a catch-up week as I know it may have been a bit confusing while the guest teacher was in with you all prior to the break until now.

That means students will focus on completing any missed work starting with the most recent ones and work back from there.